GREENSBORO, NC (June 26, 2018) – Lionel Valentine, a father of six who describes himself as a “family man as well as a working man,” grew up on New York City’s Lower East Side. For the past five years, he’s risen every day before the sun to roll out onto the streets and work his shift in Manhattan with the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY).
The work is challenging, both physically and mentally.
“Every day is different,” Valentine said. “I might be doing collection. I might be doing recycling. When the snow comes in, we have to plow up the trucks. Working twelve, sometimes fourteen hours a day – it’s our responsibility to keep the city moving.”
Lionel’s story is one of four that Mack Trucks captures in “The City Never Sleeps,” which is the first installment of RoadLife, a series of docu-style videos premiering today on Following the experiences of truck drivers in New York City, “The City Never Sleeps” highlights the variety of day-to-day challenges each one faces.
“Our goal with RoadLife is to tell the stories of men and women whose stories aren’t often told, but are so vital to the success of society,” said John Walsh, vice president of marketing, Mack Trucks. “New York City, America’s largest city, was the perfect place to start.”

Another driver featured in “The City Never Sleeps” is Hector Garcia, who came into trucking 15 years ago at the age of 38 and balances his duties as the pastor of the Rock of Salvation Christian Church with delivering groceries for L&J Trucking in the Bronx. The responsibilities and challenges of the job are all worth it to Garcia.
“I do take pride in what I do,” he says. “Remember, without groceries people can’t eat. And we’re all season; nothing can stop us. We will deliver no matter what the weather.”
After today’s launch of “The City Never Sleeps,” seven additional episodes of RoadLife will debut weekly through Aug. 14 on
RoadLife content will also be available on Mack Trucks’ social channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.